Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 8- 5/29/14 A Day to Relax :D

May Flower Cottage, Wiawaka, Lake George
Today we traveled to Wiawaka, a camp that is located in Lake George. Wiawaka was originally created for the middle class women of Troy who could not afford to get away from the city. It is such a peaceful place to relax and it is located right on the lake. To stay at this beautiful camp we had to do some work cleaning up the camp. We had to sweep the porches, clean the furniture, and rake leaves in multiple areas. I did not mind doing this work because I am a neat freak and I always love to clean. After we finished our duties cleaning we went into the May Flower Cottage to pick a room because that is where we were sleeping. Precious and I chose a great room with a nice lake view. Andor kept going on about how there was a haunted room in the cottage and it Michelle kept saying it was room 6 so of course Precious and I had to choose the haunted room. Sadly we did not have any ghost experience during our stay. This could be because the ghosts are still a little rusty because Wiawaka is just opening up. (hahaha) We were fast efficient workers. As a group we completed most of our work before lunch so after lunch we had very little to do and had the day free to ourselves.

Me Relaxing on the Porch
Relaxing Near the Lake 

 Today was really fun because it allowed us to have a break from work. Everyday we are always on the go moving from one place to another. It was really nice to spend a day to ourselves and spend time with our friends. One of my favorite things to do on a nice summer day like that is to just swim and lay in the sun. The best thing about being outside on these nice warm sunny days you start to notice things such as your freckles showing more, your hair getting lighter and your eye color even changing a little. There are so many reasons why I love summer this is just one of the many. Today was pretty much a free day and we choose what we wanted to do. Some people went for a walk, while others went swimming and laid on the dock and tanned. A few people who were a lot smarter than I was decided it was a great time to get the reading done. It was just way to nice outside and I did not have the motivation to do my work. While us kids choose to do activities some of the professors like Andor and Micheal thought it would be a good time for a nap. Sadly I did not get any pictures of them sleeping like Michelle did it was just really funny. That was the first day the whole year I was in my swim suit and it was the first swim of the year. It was so peaceful laying on the dock. At one point i even fell asleep laying on my stomach and later I regretted that because of the sun burn I got. It was even behind my knees which was really annoying when I was walking. In a few days I wont mind the burn because when it clears up I will have a really nice tan!
Michelle, Precious and Krysti
After we were done swimming and tanning, Michelle, Precious and I went back to the cottage to change back into our normal clothes. We also found Krysti in the house reading and invited her to hang with us. We still had time before dinner so we went for a walk down the path and found this cottage on our journey. The rooms were so nice and if you opened your bedroom door you have a nice view of the lake. although the professors saw this as a day to do nothing I saw this as so much more. To me it was a day for all of us to bond as a group while doing leisure activities instead of school work. We were allowed to learn much more about each other. This day was really needed considering we spend so much time together. 
Silly Pic!

On the Porch

This picture above shows that we are becoming closer as friends and just being silly with each other. This picture I took of Michelle while we were on our walk and referred to herself as "blue beard."I know at the end of the program it is going to be moments like this that I will miss the most. By doing the discovery degree program I have become close with a few people who I was only acquaintances with before. Michelle I would talk to every once in a while when she was hanging out with the same people I was but we were not best friends, but now when I went home for the weekend I messaged her that night because I missed her so much. Another person I have become really close with because of this program is Precious. She is a really funny person I love to joke around with and even forced her into rooming with me! Precious even shared with me that during fall semester but after getting to know me she said I am a person she really wants to be around, well unless she is lying. (haha) Even though I have become really close to a few in the group, as a whole we have become almost like a family. Each one of us with our different personalities have blended together and learned the likes and dislikes of each other. We even went out of our way to plan a pizza day together as a group outside of class. 
Another Turtle Successfully Saved!
For dinner Micheal and the other professors prepared a homemade meal. They made spaghetti and meatballs, salad and the best part bread! I am not a big pasta person, or a big fan of a lot of food at all as the group knows now but it was delicious. I ate a little bit of buttered pasta and bread! After dinner we ventured into town to see what the Village of Lake George was like. This is a small village well known for the Americade and Elvis. There were a lot of little shops and it seemed quiet. I did not take any pictures in town but I think that is because I was excited to finally have time to shop! I am a typical girl when it comes to shopping. I bought myself shorts, a sweater and candy. I also bought a  key chain turtle for two reasons, one I love turtles and two to signify the turtle we saved on the way to the village. I saw this turtle in the road and quickly screamed to save it. So many times my dad and I would stop to save whatever turtle was attempting to cross the road. Sadly there are so many people who see turtles crossing the road and will hit them on purpose. One time my dad and I saw a turtle in the road and turned around to save it. On the way back the person before us hit the turtle. It was awful to see. It was summer time so of course we had the windows down and hearing the crack when the car hit it was truly devastating. This is why I will always save a turtle when I see it. 
Fire Time! 
When we came back from town we ended the day with a campfire. At this point we were all so tired we were hysterically laughing at anything. I think we even annoyed the professors with our laugh and our sponge bob songs. 
"Lets gather around the campfire
And sing our campfire song
Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
But it'll help if you just sing along" 

This song just keeps running through my head as I was writting this blog so I just had to include it in here. After roasting the marshmellows and talking about the most random things we called it a night. 

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