Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 2 5/21/14- A day at New York State Meuseum

Medical Bottles from Historical Archaeology

 Today we ventured of to the New York State Museum.  We were lucky enough to go behind the scenes and see different artifacts others who visit the museum exhibits do not get to see.  All the people were very friendly and shared great information with us about the Hudson River Valley. One particular presentation that stuck out to me was with Kristin O' Connell. I enjoyed listen to her talk and show us artifacts about medical equipment. Being a nursing major anything to do with the medical field always interests me. O' Connell said the bottles shown in the picture above were medicine bottles. She also spoke about people of different classes having different medical supplies available to them. This was another great way to distinguish the different social classes during this time period.
After we saw artifacts from "behind the scenes" we were split up into groups and assigned certain areas of the museum to look at. One exhibit that my group saw was the World Trade Center exhibit. This was very touching to me and something I am very interested in because it happened during my lifetime. Seeing these toys it was just very touching to me. So many innocent children and adults were killed that day. It makes me wonder how can someone just kill so many people. What could possibly be running through their head to make them even consider driving a plane into a building?
Remains of Toys Sold in the World Trade Center 
Picture of the Twin Towers 

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