Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 28- Onrust Community Service

Onrust Boat
Today I woke up and did not feel good from the start, and it probably didn't help that I couldn't sleep the night before. I am not sure why I just kept tossing and turning all night and didn't fall asleep until around 3. I felt so sick to my stomach and I think it might have been because I ate at friendly's the night before, maybe something in the food got me sick you never know. When we first arrived to the Onrust boat we were given a tour of the lower deck and told information about the boat. This boat is a model of a Dutch ship that was made over 400 years ago. To get the design of the boat it took many years of research because the Dutch did not make blueprints they just thought about everything in their head. This boat is amazing because while we were on the boat you could hardly tell we were in the water and couldn't feel it moving. This boat is made out of white oak wood because it does not absorb water that well. The lower part of the boat was really cool, there were little cubbyholes for everyone to sleep although they did not look that comfortable,a  stove, microwave, and toilet. They were discussing how they want to turn the boat into a learning classroom because in school we are not taught about the Dutch. This is really true I only remember learning about Peter Stuyvesant in school, however, by doing this program I have been able to learn so much more about the Dutch. All though I wasn't feeling well I did my best to try to participate with the rest of the group in the community service. Personally it surprised me how much work it takes to maintain a boat like this. We did a lot of work for the three hours we were there but there still was so much more to do. I forgot the woman's name of who was telling us what we needed to do but she was really nice. I first helped her bring stuff to her car. After this I swept the deck of the boat so it can be oiled. I was going to help oil the flooring of the boat but like I stated I felt nauseous and the smell of the oil made me feel so much worse. The rest of the class kept asking if I was okay because I wasn't my normal self and they said I looked green. I felt bad because I really wanted to help but I really needed to sit down because I was feeling weak. The worst part is, the woman gave us waffles for our hard work and I just took it and stuffed it in my bag. I couldn't eat it, this killed me because as you guys know I love waffles and they looked so good. I guess I will have something good for breakfast as long as I am feeling better.

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