Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 12- Everyone is Miserable!

Water Wheel in Burden's Factory
Today was not as fun as I thought it would be. First we went to a historical site of the Burden Iron Works Company. When we we got there I was really hoping we could walk around and look at the historical items all around us, but we had to listen to our guide who seemed to ramble on, I did not like a lot of his comments. Coming from an all women college I have began thinking in a more feminist point of view. He made comments such as "hit it like a girl" and "I have a Y chromosome" which I think is inappropriate. Its these comments and his mono toned voice that made me not interested in what he was saying. Some points he would just keep rambling on and it made me fall asleep, but then again when don't I fall asleep? (haha) Even though most of the tour was boring the one part I found interesting was the wheel in the picture above. It amazed me how big it was especially during this time period. Being in the building was awful because it was musty, which irritated my allergies and it was so hot. I think it is because of the heat and the comments that caused everyone to be miserable. It takes one thing to ruin your whole day and you can tell some people were not as cheerful as they usually are. I am hoping tomorrow will be better.
Site in Troy
After we went to the Iron Works site, we went on a little hike in a place in Troy. I chose to take the easy way because I didn't want Precious to walk alone and the hill the rest of the group walked down was really steep. I have weaker ankles because I was a distance runner in track so I didn't want to chance hurting my ankle. After this we went back to Prospect Park! It was really nice because we ate lunch by a tree in the shade and it was really nice to have a girls day. Also we played on the swings and played in the fountain they had there. It was nice because it was so hot out and I really enjoy the heat. As we were leaving the park Andor did not realize his lunch was on the top of his car while he was leaving. It soon fell and Toby got out and picked it up. When Andor met at the van he asked "Who was the idiot who left the lunch on the ground?" He was so shocked to find out it was him. When Michelle checked her phone in the van it was 87 degrees Fahrenheit!

Where the Shakers Would Meet for Religion 
For the last part of the day we went to a historical site where the Shakers lived and practiced their religion. I did not hear about the Shakers until today. To me it would be so weird to live in a society where men and women are separated. They are not even allowed to marry. This would be hard for me because a lot of my best friends are guys and I always dream of my wedding day. The picture above shows where the shakers would assemble for their religious meetings. I really liked how big the room was. We were able to see the outsides of other buildings but sadly we were not allowed to go inside of them. After this we were asked if we wanted to see the cemetery but everyone was just so tired and did not feel as adventurous. I think having the bad tour in the morning and being on our feet in the heat all day just made us all miserable. I am surprised we haven't killed each other yet.

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